Sunday, November 23, 2008

Windows® Live Writer

ni post kedua aku gunakan program Windows Live Writer (WLW). memang syok guna program ni untuk menulis apa-apa posting di laman blog secara offline. WLW ini adalah sebuah aplikasi WYSIWYG yang membolehkan mana-mana blogger menulis posting secara offline dengan banyak ciri-ciri yang menarik untuk mencantikkan lagi posting anda di blog. jadi dengan menggunakan program ini, anda juga tidaklah pening-pening kepala nk kena belajar HTML ngan CCS untuk bagi best lagi posting anda, cukup menggunakan program ini sahaja. bagi korang yang masih belum mengenali program ini, meh aku tunjukkan sket snapshot die...

Fullscreen capture 23112008 201309.bmp

Gambar 1: Intro WLW

(Gambar awek tu wallpaper aku, xde kena mengena ngan WLW ni, hehehe)

Fullscreen capture 23112008 201455.bmp

Gambar 2: Paparan utama WLW

apa dia kelebihan WLW ni??

(sori, aku malas nak translate, hehehehe)

Works with your blog service

Screen shot of Windows Live Writer choose weblog options

Writer works with most major blog providers, including Windows Live Spaces, SharePoint, WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Moveable Type, Community Server, and many others. Get started with your blog in minutes, thanks to automatic blog configuration. Post to multiple blogs: themes are automatically detected for each.

Preview before you post

Screen shot of Windows Live Writer view menu options

Know what your blog post will look like before you post it, including photos and other rich media. Writer detects your blog theme automatically, including fonts, and displays it while you compose and edit.

Blog and publish on your schedule

Screen shot of Windows Live Writer publishing options

On the road with no Internet access? Create and edit blog entries offline, then post when you get back online. Schedule blogs to post at a future date.

Rich media made easy

Screen shot of Live Search Maps page

Turn your blog into a story with photos, videos, maps, tags and other rich media. Writer publishes all of it automatically when post. Quickly link to previous blog posts and other Web pages.

Powerful editing tools

Screen shot of Windows Live Writer spell check feature

Insert and edit tables directly in your entry. Inline spell checker helps you polish your text. Easy hyperlink support lets you link your blog to the online world. Use the HTML view to edit directly in HTML.

More rich content with easy plug-ins

Screen shot of Windows Live Gallery plug-ins

Use plug-ins from Windows Live Gallery to add more rich content to your blog like music feeds, emoticons and quotes of the day. Can't find the plug-in you want? Make your own and upload it to Gallery for the whole world to share.

Kat mana boleh donlod program ni?.

Download kt laman web Windows Live®, pastikan OS korang dilengkapi dengan Microsoft .NET Framework (kecuali Windows Vista®). kalo korang malas nk cari, masuk kt link ni: